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30 years of SIBO Electronic

30 Jahre SIBO - Vertriebspartner lädt zum 30-jährigen Bestehen zur Wanderung ein

Accurate measurements are impossible without stability and reliability. Both are the cornerstones of everything we do at ZES ZIMMER. Our lasting success is built on long-term relationships with our customers and partners. Without them, we could not be where we are today. Among all our distribution partners, SIBO Electronic sticks out both by the longevity of our cooperation and its depth.

Established by Frank Spiegel with his partner in 1994, SIBO Electronic has accompanied us for more than 30 years, has shared all successes, all ups and downs. Without doubt a reason to celebrate! We were more than happy to receive Frank Spiegel’s invitation to commemorate the 30th anniversary of SIBO Electronics together with a few selected partners of his. If you know Frank, you know the birthday party would not consist merely of sitting and talking.

We were warmly received at the company’s headquarters, where we toasted to past decades of our partnerships and future success of SIBO.

Frank shared amusing anecdotes from SIBO’s early years, and a delicious light lunch prepared us for the upcoming challenge: ascending the “Hossinger Leiter” to enjoy a breathtaking view from the Schwäbische Alb. We changed into hiking gear, ready to tackle the wooded slopes of the Gräbelesberg. The parallels between hiking and business were only too obvious: you first need to invest hard work and effort, before you can rest and enjoy what you have achieved! Temperatures were challenging, but the shade of trees accompanied us along the better part of the trail and made the heat bearable. To avoid dehydration issues, Frank’s assistant Michelle Garrigues had thoughtfully prepared and brought cooled beverages, which enjoyed enormous demand after some of the steeper parts of the trail.

Like in business, it is also paramount to set the right course. Luckily, Michelle handled that part skillfully and brought us safely to the top and timely back to the last stop on the agenda: the extremely inviting Traufganghütte Brunnenthal, where we were treated to a hearty dinner and could relax in the setting sun.

Thank you very much, Frank & Michelle, for an excellent partnership and a memorable event!