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25 Years of the European PhD School - ZES ZIMMER at the Event's 2024 Edition

A year, a May without the European PhD School? For us, it's unimaginable! This event is simply essential, and we wouldn't want to miss it! Since 2017, we have proudly counted the European PhD School on "Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Energy Control, and Power Systems" among our annually scheduled events, for which we strive to maintain as one of the main sponsors. This year marks the 24th edition of the week-long program and the 25th year of its existence. Unbelievable but true.

Representing us on-site at the historic Angevin Aragonese Castle in Gaeta, Italy, as usual, were Bernd Neuner (Sales Director) and Patrick Fuchs (Head of Business Development), who introduced our company, our measurement technology, and our mission to the 100 participating PhD students from all over Europe, in addition to the highly technical lectures.

As always, the first two days of the event, which are particularly important to us, provided familiar and wonderful new impressions that we highly value at the PhD School. These include reuniting with long-time industry participants and organizers, meeting new expert contributors from research, education, or industry, learning about standards and trends in cutting-edge power electronics, and engaging in interesting in-depth conversations with the PhD students about their respective research and development projects.

(left to right: Reto Christen, Caio Osorio, Patrick Fuchs, Dr. Luca Dallessandro, Bernd Neuner,  Jochen Koszescha, Prof. Dr. Leo Lorenz, Dr. Silvio Colombi, Prof. Dr. Guiseppe Tomasso, Roland Huempfner)

An annual hub of the highest knowledge density

Following Bernd Neuner’s introduction of ZES ZIMMER as an industry partner to the large gathering on the first day, our company booth in the exhibition hall invited PhD students to learn more about us, our expertise, and measurement technology in a relaxed and direct exchange during breaks between the technical lectures. We are always pleased to see the dedication and knowledge that the aspiring engineering scientists bring to their work.

"The PhD School in Gaeta forms a bridge between leading industry and academic representatives and the next generation of brilliant scientists and successful entrepreneurs. Knowledge is exchanged, enthusiasm is passed on, and networks are formed to ensure the best possible cooperation in key projects for the future of Europe's industry," emphasizes Bernd Neuner.

"And the award goes to…"

The PhD students' research projects were displayed as part of a Poster Session on the first day as well, and the best was awarded the same evening at a "Social Dinner." This year, Mr. M.Sc. Leo Tassilo Peters, a PhD student and research associate at the Technical University of Munich, won the "Best Poster Award" for his contribution "Increasing Power Electronics' Reliability Through Uncertainty-Awareness, Adaptation, and Fault Tolerance." He has actively participated in competitions since his school years. We warmly congratulate him and wish him continued success in his career. Additionally, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Leo Lorenz and Dr.-Ing. Silvio Colombi were surprised with an award recognizing their long-term contributions to the European PhD School committee.

Live demonstration and knowledge transfer

Another significant contribution for us was the assembly of PhD students and industry and university experts in the exhibition hall on the second day. Patrick Fuchs explained our precision power measurement technology and its application, specifically in the development of power electronics energy converter/inverter systems and electric drives.

"For me, it was crucial to interact and exchange ideas with the PhD students during my presentation. I wanted to understand the perceived importance of power analyzers in the audience, address their concerns, and provide fundamental, applicable knowledge and common practices in power analysis that would help engineers with their current or upcoming measurement tasks and simplify their work as developers," explained Patrick Fuchs.

The presentation focused on the general functionality, clear differentiation from other measuring instruments, and the significant and indispensable benefits of a precision power analyzer as an electrical engineer's "tool." Our experts also described the application and some technical refinements of the LMG671 power Analyzer in a demonstrative test setup: efficiency testing and loss analysis of the electrical power of an electric drive system, from the source, through the frequency inverter, to the driven asynchronous motor.

We thank the entire organization team, other supporters, and exhibitors for this event and look forward to contributing to the 25th edition of the European PhD School in 2025 to continue ensuring the transfer of knowledge, ideas, and innovations in this highly specialized field.